Once upon a time, in a land called Teddy Bears Montessori, a group of teddy bear cubs gathered with their teachers who guided, played & helped them grow into extraordinary Big Bears. These Big Bears graduated and became the masters of their dreams to make the world a better & kinder place.
It was during a worldwide pandemic that these little bear cubs, their parents & their teachers used their imagination and creativity to make sure everyone remained calm & friendly. They adjusted & were able to learn & play over a worldwide playground called the internet. For many, many moons they gathered on ZOOM to say hello, to laugh, sing, play & learn.
As time passed some bear cubs grew tiresome of this new adventure, & some bear cubs enjoyed the journey on Zoom.
Gradually the bear cubs were allowed to return to the land of Teddy Bears with some new guidelines to keep all the teddy bears in the world, safe from the Monster called COVID.
They had to wash their hands regularly, wear a face mask or a shield, to take turns to play one at a time & to keep to their own safe space that is not too close and not too far from their friends and teachers who loved and cared for them every day.
Eventually, all the teddy bear cubs returned. The land of TBM is once again, filled with little paws & giggles.
Different in some ways yet happier when playing, growing & learning unfolds into magical memories.